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Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by nigelgwee
8/3/2008  7:46:00 AM
DivaGinger and Ladydance. It seems there are different ways of having FUN: Practicing floorcraft, having a normal conversation (while dancing), playing by the ISTD rules, not playing by the ISTD rules.

BTW, DivaGinger, if that "Blush" was because of my previous post (not clear from the indentation what your message replied to), you're most welcome!
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by anymouse
8/2/2008  11:19:00 PM
"I only know what happens here. No competition dancer would go to a Social Dance here."

How sad.

No, I don't expect competition dancers to regularly attend socials, but dropping into one on occasion, especially coordinating plans with friends, is a key part of having a complete dance life - it adds a missing piece of the life experience of being a dancer that is not satisfied by training, performing, or competing.

Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by CliveHarrison
8/3/2008  3:19:00 AM
Perhaps one way of looking at Social Dancing, is to consider its natural counterpart: Anti-Social Dancing.

Where is THAT mainly to be found?
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by terence2
8/3/2008  5:04:00 AM
Alabama , Missipp. ( the bible belt )
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by jofjonesboro
8/3/2008  6:16:00 AM
In fact, Birmingham, Alabama, has one of the more active chapters of USA Dance in the region (Birmingham, AL, USA Dance).

Some very nice folks there.

Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by DivaGinger
8/3/2008  11:16:00 AM
We're not far from Birmingham, and were almost halfway there this past weekend. Our area's just started a USABDA chapter, and I hadn't been exposed to it's inner workings before. It's interesting so far.

The worry/not-worry about technique, head, etc. is where people's personal preferences for enjoying dance vary.

I wouldn't think of worrying about proper frame and the smaller nuances of technique all the time- especially not in a social setting. That's what practice is for, to us. Work on it all we can there, so that we *don't* have to worry as much about anything but having a good time at a social. Then, yes, it *is* more relaxed/conversational. Our coaches imparted that to us very early on- during practice-specific "parties", groups, etc., they'd correct and teach and help- but at the same studio on a Friday night "actual party", they wouldn't "teach" anything other than something that really needed to be corrected to make sense and make something work.

We've been blessed to have several floors in the area which are accommodating to slowfox, and honestly, there aren't that many people filling the whole floor, so it's not been a problem. No, we wouldn't be dumb enough to try something like that in the one studio whose floor is about the size of a storage locker, for the record.

Clive's be early, be quick, get done strategy works for the seniors' dances around here. It's sad, but it takes a lot of them that long to realize "Oh- another country two-step" and start creeping and dragging up out of the chairs like a zombie scene. After everyone's on the floor, we slow down some, and then just practice weaving in and out- several couples in our area "play back" with us, and it's a LOT of fun. You never know when someone's going to come up, "accidentally" bump into you, and steal your hairclip, or if you're sitting at a table and someone comes by and pretends they have no brakes. But then, I'll say it again- we're all crazy here.

Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by CliveHarrison
8/3/2008  11:19:00 AM
I like your Zombie analogy - I call ours "the undead"!
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by Ladydance
8/3/2008  12:30:00 PM
"The undead" I love that...perhaps it is that degree of zombie-ness that makes them back up unexpectedly and go against the LOD.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by CliveHarrison
8/3/2008  12:42:00 PM
Yes, sometimes we say "Hello again" because we have lapped them, but more often, they are to be found dancing backwards.
Re: Define "Social"...
Posted by Polished
8/3/2008  3:04:00 PM
A Social Dance is where it is inmpossible to do even the very Basics steps on their correct alignment without having to bend your Feather Step around some couple who have every right to be on the floor even though they haven't a clue of what is required. That's why I would not go to a Social Dance. If you have gone there to practice its an absolute waste of time. Do it enough times and it will ruin your dancing. Latin is a little different. If it was a Social Latin night it would be possible to claim your space and go for it .
Nobody has mentioned a Social Teaching Class where Footwork Sway and so on doesn't even get a mention. The teacher teaches a heel lead, but its only a Social Class so why bother to mention that to plant the ball of the foot on the floor isn't the way to go. I hate that excuse for poor teaching. Its only a Social Class.

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